Tips and stories, with the pictures with 1000 of words to say, not sure what happen next.If you think a vaccine is safe but hydroxychloroquine, a safe, cheap drug that’s been around for 80+ years isn’t... you’re a special kind of stupid.
- Voices, Views, Values, Visits To The Dead, Fallen Stars, Windy Knights, Frogs In The End.Fairies Woods: Wood Fairy: Snow White. 'Some Old Indian Wisdom... "Silence is always better than bullshit."'
Your Highlights,INSTANT KARMA!!Gifts of tales to share, gifts of sun and rain, tales to date the land whales. Lights On: Tunnel End . Lights at the end of Tunnel.
"Let's change your name to Black & Blue Marvel." ~Superman. LOTS OF LOVE, LOTS OF LUCK, LOTS OF TESTS OVER TIME.REMEMBER WHEN PEOPLE USED TO WRITE?Love, Lights, Lessons, Leaders On Top, Angels On Clouds, Glory Dazes To Come.“ In reality, “Stuck in the Middle With You” was a surprise hit that singer Gerry Rafferty wrote to parody Dylan.
"Let's change your name to Black & Blue Marvel." ~Superman. LOTS OF LOVE, LOTS OF LUCK, LOTS OF TESTS OVER TIME.REMEMBER WHEN PEOPLE USED TO WRITE?Love, Lights, Lessons, Leaders On Top, Angels On Clouds, Glory Dazes To Come.“
Trump has never looked so a-peeling. (Now with 250 percent more potassium!)IT’S TIME TO ABANDON AMERICA’S FETISH FOR ‘UNCONDITIONAL.5151:BEHOLD!!! A Masterpiece, Make Me Say it Again girl.Counting Heads.
• PsBattle: This Unflattering Picture of Donald Trump [Reddit]
• More Donald Trump Coverage [E]
• [H/T: Huffington Post]
Sungevity, became Spruce Powers, and the attempt to take a termination from Sungevity, and make a transfer to Spruce Powers, the way they get rights back to bill. Force treatment, from the workers, to get paid for the time spent on veterans. Spruce Powers, Assholes, MR.ESPINOZA WE WILL HAVE TO DRAFT A MIDTERM, Charge You, $30,000, Pay US. Then sell your house.
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