People under the surface, mirrors on the wall, charms and wits, hard to beat, songs to sing. Gifts of time and spaces, tips of land whales, frogs and fags, Jewish rites. PAID OFF SOLAR PANELS!! We are told...Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds. Now I'm up and I don't need you. I'm the bad guy huh...
Words to take to heart, Make Me Wanna Holler, over the snakes and frogs, friends of minute, never more like it. Veterans to caught, and give a free ride to hell, in a basket, sharks and land whales, battles and wars.
We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.Just For Writer, Like Me, And The Powers Within. Daily Events. History.Dances On Cloud Nine. Fairy Tales, Recaps:Blast In Past Lives: Earth Angels .Tell me more than,.. All Hail the Queen ".Honor that, my girl said. No one listened.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.Cannabis and Conversation.Lost and found, free wills, to give up something that you love, how to start over, bitterness takes a turn, hopes and wishes in the air.
Words to take to heart, Make Me Wanna Holler, over the snakes and frogs, friends of minute, never more like it. Veterans to caught, and give a free ride to hell, in a basket, sharks and land whales, battles and wars.
Rites, reasons, seasons of lovers, suckers, whales on land, faces of frogs, plenty of fish in the seas. Leaders of cows, crooks, cheaters, liars, Jewish Wales, cards to play, coins to flip, poker players, faces off for the light of rites, reasons, seasons of love, peace and happiness. The journey is what brings us happiness. Not the destination. Enjoy the journey. Fingers in the air, to blame who this time.
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Words to take to heart, Make Me Wanna Holler, over the snakes and frogs, friends of minute, never more like it. Veterans to caught, and give a free ride to hell, in a basket, sharks and land whales, battles and wars.